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Oak Hills Jr High PTO Meeting

March 11, 2022



Meeting Called to Order: 8:34AM, approved by Marlene Graham and Tanya Williams


Review and Approval of February Minutes: Motion to approve - Marlene Graham and Tanya Williams


Treasurers Report:

There was no income in February. There were four withdrawals. The closing balance is $30,185.75. Motion to approve by Christine Smalley and Jackie Dewese



Cookie Dough update: The big prizes have been given out, the remainder of the smaller prizes will be delivered with the big event which will be axe throwing and popcorn. 



Teacher appreciation week is May 2nd- 6th, we will be doing a luncheon on Monday and Friday. We are thinking of Mexican and barbecue. Jackie will work on Sonic drinks for the teachers. Marlene Graham will lead the initiative on the gifts so be looking for info on that.  

We provide snacks for STAAR testing. Mrs. Allen talks about how snacks are set up and distributed. We will see what our budget is for the luncheons. We will need ideas for gifts for teachers


8th Grade Celebration:

  • May 20th is the date

  • Natalie Littlejohn says that it will be held at Stampede Sports Park in Woodforest

  • Johnson Development is going to sponsor the DJ


MISD Spring Soiree – April 23rd

4 Volunteers for Hustle Team – 2 Shifts and can start hustling at the school and online 3/21

Silent Auction Basket – Dog Basket 3/25, Basket due 4/18

Wine Bottle Donations – Sign Up Genius?



Next Meeting: April 8th at 8:30AM – Dr. Morrison will be the guest speaker


Motion to Close: Meeting adjourned at 9:36, Motion approved by Marlene Graham and second by Jackie Dewese



Gretchen Williamson, Natalie Littlejohn, Tanya Dunbar Williams, Marlene Graham, Christine Smalley, Amy Curlee, Jackie Dewese

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