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Oak Hills Jr High PTO Meeting

February 11, 2022



Meeting called to order at 8:34 am, approved by Michelle Hollis, second by Nikki Martin


Review and approve December minutes: Motion to approve - Michelle Hollis, Second – Nikki Martin


Guest Speakers

            Gretchen Williamson introduced the guest speakers here from the MISDEF to speak about the soiree. 

  -Tiffany Ortiz is Executive Director of MISDEF, is speaking about the educator grants and scholarships given out to the different schools in MISD. 20 Educator grants were given out last year to bring innovation and creativity to classrooms. She was a volunteer but is now a full time employee working for MISDEF

  -Calvin Waida is Director of Campus Relations. Spoke about Spring Soiree and Golf Tournament that are the two fundraisers for MISDEF. Hoping to double the amount raised this year.

  -Natalie Kelly is Board member for MISDEF and chair for the Spring Soiree. What used to be called the Gala was changed to an outdoor soiree last year called ‘Together We Grow’, and it was a huge success. This year they are staying with the outdoor theme but elevating the event this year. Its being Held at Montgomery Community Center with an outdoor band, BBQ, event will be April 23rd from 6:30-10:30 and we will have more tables, special guests, special events happening. MISDEF is asking the PTOs for a ‘Hustle Team’ - 4 people from each campus to tell everyone what each principal is asking for at the event, Silent Auction Items, and 10 bottles of wine for the wine pull. Sponsorships are still available, tables are also available, individual tickets as well. Hustle team gets half price tickets. Mr Williams is requesting an outdoor basketball and sand volleyball court as his grant.


Gretchen Williamson explains what the hustle team does at the event and is looking for 4 volunteers to help with that. We need a silent auction basket put together so she will look for volunteers to help with that.

Mrs. Allen explains Mr. Williams dream of the basketball court and sand volleyball court to promote outdoor activities and something all the students can enjoy


Treasurers Report:

Jennifer Harrelson, treasurer discusses the December bank statement. Our income was from the Cookie dough fundraiser. In January we had three deposits and four withdrawals. The closing balance is $30,360.65. Motion to approve by Marlene Graham and second by Natalie Littlejohn.



Cookie Dough update: The big prizes have been given out, the remainder of the smaller prizes will be delivered with the "big event." That is the movie day, popsicles, the candy grab, and the big event will probably be the dunking booth again. It was a huge hit last year. Won’t need many volunteers for this. Mrs Allen takes care of the movie and popcorn and popsicles are during lunch. 

Spirit nights: We have some upcoming spirit nights. February 15th is going to be at Chipotle on Eva Street from 5-9pm, Natalie will make a flyer. Panda Express is going to be March 1st and Natalie will have more details on that. A few more will be in April TBD



Teacher appreciation week is May 2nd-6th, we will be doing a luncheon and gifts so be looking for info on that.  We provide snacks for STAAR testing. Mrs Allen talks about how snacks are set up and distributed. We will see what our budget is for the luncheons. We will need ideas for gifts for teachers

8th Grade Celebration:

May 20th is the date. Natalie Littlejohn says that it will be held at Stampede Sports Park in Woodforest this year instead of at McDade park. Its got turf so it will be less likely to flood if it rains.  Will be closer for bus mileage, and the fee is going to be waived or covered by a family in Woodforest. We also won’t have to rent porta-potties. We just need to see what we can and cannot bring (tents, games). The biggest thing is getting donations for the giveaways. Natalie has a Google spreadsheet to track donations and what we had in the past. Also a list of sponsors we had from last year to revisit them this year and not all visit the same place multiple times. Natalie L will be doing the T-Shirts this year. Want to have a small prize for each kid, some bigger prizes raffled off for the kids, and 1-2 baskets raffled for the teachers this year. By next meeting we will have more action items for everyone to do. Natalie already has some donations lined up by sponsors.  Lots of parents are already there so we don’t need a lot of volunteers. Teachers and parents will be there to keep eyes on the kids and help serve. Also, donations of gift cards and small items can be left with Mrs Ransom at the front desk as long as it is properly labelled!!



Mrs. Allen suggests that maybe we have spirit wear on hand to sell at the Curriculum Fair and Schedule Pickup next year to make some money. Lake Creek PTO sold and made a good amount of money. Also do our PTO membership

Next meeting is March 11th, the Friday before Spring Break.


Motion to Close: Meeting adjourned at 9:24, Motion approved by Amy Flores and second by Jennifer Harrelson

Attendees: Jennifer Harrelson, Gretchen Williamson, Tiffany Ortiz, Natalie Kelly, Calvin Waida, Ampy Carols, Michelle Hollis, Nikki Martin, Amy Flores, Joan Allen, Tanya Dunbar Williams, Marlene Graham, Natalie Littlejohn

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